Thursday, April 19, 2007

Was what the government did to Ender right or wrong? Why?

I think that what Graff did to Ender was entirely wrong. They did what just what the people in Africa are doing making soldiers out of children, instead of giving them drugs they give them the hope and chance to one day be the best commander in the army or the best soldier in the army. In my opinion Graff pushed Ender too hard in his later life when everything is all over he will have no meaning in life, just remembered as that guys that wrote that book Speaker of the Dead. For me that is not good enough either be remember like Alexander the Great or not be remembered at all. The way Graff pushed Ender was to make him into what Graff wanted him to be not what Ender wanted to be. But in the end Graff had his way he manipulated Ender into the commander that world needed.

Passage of my choosing, why is this passage meaningful

Pg 242 She doubted that he believed her. She walked back up the hill, savavgely angry at them for making her come to Ender like this. For she had, after all, done just what they wanted. She talked Ender into going back into his training, and he wouldn’t soon forgive her for that.

I picked this passage because its shows how vulnerable kids are to the world and that they are easily convinced what to do. People take advantage of that, they take children in at an early age and form them into what they want them to be. They did this to Ender ever since he was young he was trained to be a commander. And they are using their resources to convince him to let them manipulate him even more. I think people need to realize that children are not to be toyed with. When they grow up they might turn against everything they believed when they were young and become dangerous to society. In my opinion I don’t think people should let people be what they want to be, not take them in as a child and ruin their hopes and dreams that they had, or not old enough to have.

Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why the

I find that he scene when he is at that house on earth. I find this beautiful because there is still some sense of beauty left in the world. The novel describes the house as heavenly and a place that you would not want to leave. As I read that passage is seemed as all the problems in the book disappeared and you were immersed in a perfect world. I think this is why Ender liked that house so much because it made him forget of all the other problems and what his responsibility was. But when Valentine came over and they were one raft swimming and they saw the stinging wasps that reminded me of all the problems in the book. I think the wasp shows that even in a heavenly perfect place you can totally escape from the rest of the world. I find the part when he said that his family had forgot about him disturbing. Is this really what future parents are like? I sure don’t want to be like that forgetting my child and even when he returns to he doesn’t even want to see me. This is very disturbing to think that the future mothers and fathers will forget their children.

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why

The mood of this novel is dark and evil the government is deceiving the people and children threatening to murder other children and kids murdering other children without consequences and not even knowing that they murdered someone. This novel saddens me in some ways. It saddens me because I hope that this is not what the world will look like when I am older because I think I would just go into my little corner and do what I want and not be concerned with any of the current issues. It saddens me to think of all the young children out there that are having their mind’s corrupted and joining terrorist organizations. But in a way I think that this is inevitable the world will eventually fall into a whole it can never get out of and no one will be able to save them not even a brave commander. This is what the bible says will happen and I believe that part is true that world will be self destructive and the good people all killed off or too afraid to speak up for fear of being persecuted because of there beliefs. But I hope that I will be long gone by the time the world reaches this state. The thing that troubles me the most is that the people that still have good in their hearts will have to live through this time, like I said I would just ball up in a corner not wanting to think about anything, it also makes me sad to think of all the children that will be born into that time will they be even more corrupt than the generation before them or will they have brighter future.

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when Ender goes on the space ship to the outer belt to get training and be a commander. This is the point of no return even if ender wanted to he cannot go back to earth because he can not fly a space shuttle. What happens is he is forced into to saving the world. The events of this novel do not make feel good inside. The world is in need of a hero and Ender is supposed to be that hero. The things they do to Ender are not right in my opinion but it must be done in order to craft the best commander. The way the government uses people is very devious using little children to convince other children to go do things that would make normal people commit suicide. Letting children run loose in a school is not acceptable by modern day standards. But it is the future and people do desperate things to get the things they want

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do thy reveal about the universal human

The main characters in the novel are Ender which is a child that goes off to battle school and is seen as the only hope of the Future. Valentine is the sister of Ender and is a kind loving person when she starts writing articles on the net which turns her into more of a ‘Peter”. Peter is the brother of Ender and is known a cruel mean persons threatening to kill people and thinking of ways to murder poor innocent animals in the woods. Valentine is my favorite character in the book I like her because she is kind and loving but also because she is also has a “meaner” side to her which comes in her writing on the internet, the most interesting part about her is she can find people weaknesses and use them effectively against them. Peter is typical trouble maker hell bent on controlling people by fear because he enjoys seeing people bow before him. I do not necessarily like him but I do understand him it is sometimes fun to control people with fear and seem them do everything you want you get a sense of satisfaction when you do it but then feel guilty later on. The main character Ender is my least favorite. Most of the book I am saying get a grip of yourself Ender. He is always killing people left and right kicking them to death. He also seems to get everyone one his enemy side but still has some friends on his side. In battle school he angers the other teems by beating them over and over again until the teachers decide to make his life a living hell.

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they and how do they relate? Does this novel shed any light on how cu

There are many current situations that relate to the novel. The novel is in a sense a future world of ours today. In the book they talk about nations turning against one another and disobeying the rules of treaties they have created. There is the U.F. which is basically the modern day U.N. Many of these situations have been taken to the next level, for example birth control all the countries in the U.F. are only allowed to have one child, which is almost the whole world. This novel does shed some light on how these problems can be solved. Of course there is always the solution everybody work together to make a better world, but of course that will never happen, certain people are just evil in nature in my opinion. In the book they hide all the problems they have, the government conceals the issues that are going on around the world. For example in the book there is the third invasion that is supposedly coming to them so they have to prepare. But later on Ender finds out that there is no third invasion the U.F has already sent ships to destroy the buggers. In the book Ender’s brother, Peter and his sister Valentine expose the Warsaw Pact and claim that they are not following the rules that they had originally set up. The government obviously knows this and they are just sitting on the sidelines doing nothing and letting the world figure out everything for itself. This in my opinion is what I would do if I were in power. If the world knew about everything then they would panic with all the world problems, simply sitting on the sidelines denying everything the people say is playing it safe. But when they eventually find out the whole truth then they obviously turn against the government.

What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

I think the major theme of this model is how teenagers lives and how the future would look like for the world. The teenagers and kids in this novel are very different from the ones that are alive today. Teenagers in this novel are looked at as the only hope of the future, in our world they are looked at as the people that will make the next generation be successful. The teenagers in the novel have a very heavy burden placed on them, if they do not succeed then their whole race will be wiped out from the universe and the buggers will rule the universe. Today if teenagers do not succeed the world will fall into turmoil and be filled with even more evil than there already is. This is important to teenagers living in 2007 because they need to realize what impact they have on the world’s future. If they do not turn this world around then the human race will basically be lost because the whole world is corrupt and we will eventually destroy ourselves. It is the same in the book just a little different, we won’t destroy ourselves the buggers will destroy us. This is why teenagers need to work hard and be successful so that our children so we can save our children and also set an example for them.